Directory Listing
Pace Solder Tutorials
Rework and Repair
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 1 - -Introduction-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:47:11
60.58 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 2 - -Elements of Construction-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:47:18
39.62 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 3 - -Component Removal-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:47:47
76.81 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 4 - -Solder Extraction with Vacuum-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:47:52
64.17 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 5 - -Conformal Coating Removal-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:48:03
46.55 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 6 - -Damage Repair-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:48:43
106.45 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 7 - -Replating Edge Connectors-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:48:25
35.59 MB
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PACE Rework and Repair Lesson 8 - -Electrical Damage-.mp4
2022-05-10 23:48:42
36.67 MB
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